资源名称:名著阶梯阅读 黑猫英语Black Cat Publishing Level 1-6 PDF+mp3
《Black Cat Publishing Level 1-6》系列共包括6个级别64本,均有PDF+MP3音频,难度涵盖了小学到高中阶段。《Black Cat Publishing Reading & Training Steps 1-6》系列有43本,均有PDF+MP3音频,这个系列国内出版的不全,国内出版社又把后面两个都混在一起了,造成级别难度上的跨越,可以参考黑猫官网的原分级方法阅读。
意大利黑猫 Black Cat Publishing系列有三大部分,分别是《Black Cat Publishing Earlyreads Levels 1-5》、《Black Cat Publishing Level 1-6》和《Black Cat Publishing Reading & Training Steps 1-6》。
Quality English reading is an important element for improving students' English proficiency. Thus, encouraging students to adopt an English reading habit will surely benefit to their English learning. BLACK CAT ENGLISH READERS is going to be the best choice for quality English reading.
精读训练是有效的学习方式,没有准确的理解,总是含糊地记单词、含糊地看书,结果会一无所获。养成精准理解、深入学习的习惯,对每个人都至关重要。试想,假如我们能够养成求真求实的阅读习惯,那么考试和深入学习一门技术,还有什么困难呢。值得精读的书,最初由意大利black cat PUBLISHING出版,经香港上午印书馆引进,再授权华东师范大学在大陆销售,实属精品,才会为众多人们所关注。
- Original stories as well as adapted classics in a variety of genres;
- Classification of 6 levels (Level 1 to 6), which allows readers to select the suitable level of books according to their interest and English level;
- A wide variety of English learning games and exercises, including exit tests, Cambridge Key English Test-style (KET) and Preliminary English Test-style (PET) activities and Trinity Tests., which help to develop readers' English writing, reading, listening and oral skills;
- Dramatized CD recording of stories by native speakers in American or British English is inserted in each book to arouse readers' interest in reading;
- Informative dossier sections about background information to the stories and authors are provided to broaden readers' horizon;
- Beautiful illustrations which arouse interest in reading.
² 均取材于各种体裁的英美经典小说或故事。也给我了我们搜集同名电影或原著小说的机会哦。
² 分级读物,便于您找到适合开始的读物。中学、大学还是六级以上水平均可选读。
² 配套的练习和测试,均为精心设计,同步学习听说读写。
² 每个故事均配由英美本土专业演员录制的全文录音,背景音乐等设计精良。且每个录音片段为5-8分钟,特别适合忙里偷闲,利于时间管理。
² 每个故事的背景信息,包含了丰富的文化信息和相关资源,大大延伸了阅读范围。
² 精美图文设计,形象理解和记忆,并增添了不少乐趣和美感。
² 故事经大师编辑,故事情节不失任何精彩,且更加流畅。读起来兴趣盎然,也利于坚持读下去,才能保证读出效果,学出成绩。
Level 1.
01. J.M. Barrie - Piter Pen.
02. Johnston McCulley - Zorro!
03. George Gibson - American Folk Tales.
04. Gina D.B. Clemen - Davy Crockett an American Hero.
05. Kelly Reinhart - The True Story of Pocahontas.
06. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations.
07. Washington Irving - Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
08. Oscar Wilde - The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant.
09. Gina D.B. Clemen - The American West.
10. Gina D.B. Clemen - Halloween Horror.
11. Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
12. Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
13. L. Frank Baum - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
14. Victoria Heward - The Secret of the Stones.
15. Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows.
16. Robert Louis Stevenson - The Black Arrow.
17. Jules Verne - Around the World in Eighty Days.
18. Louisa May Alcott - Little Women.
19. Beaumont, M. de - Beauty and the Beast.
20. Anna Sewell - Black Beauty.
Level 2.
01. Gina D.B. Clemen - British and American Festivities.
02. George Gibson - King Arthur and his Knights.
03. Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist.
04. Mark Twain - The Jumping Frog.
05. Sally M. Stockton - Robin Hood.
06. Jack London - The Call of the Wild.
07. Oscar Wilde - The Fisherman and his Soul.
08. Charles Dickens - David Copperfield.
09. Rudyard Kipling, Ellis Parker Butler, Saki, Mark Twain, Jerome K. Jerome - Animal Tales.
10. Gina D.B. Clemen - Ghastly Ghosts.
Level 3.
01. Gina D.B. Clemen - Great English Monarchs and their Times. (ISBN 978-7-5617-3581-7)
02. Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (ISBN 978-7-5617-3582-4)
03. Oscar Wilde - Short Stories. (ISBN 978-7-5617-3579-4)
04. William Shakespeare - Hamlet. (ISBN 978-7-5617-3584-8)
05. Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Secret Garden. (ISBN 978-7-5617-3585-5)
Level 4.
01. Mark Twain - The ?1,000,000 Bank Note.
02. Charlote Bronte - Jane Eyre.
03. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes Investigates.
04. Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travel.
05. Robert Louis Stevenson - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde.
06. Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Clarence Rook, Gilbert Keith Chesterton - Classic Detective Stories.
07. Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera.
08. Michelle Brown - Alien at School.
09. William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet.
10. Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island.
Level 5.
01. Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol.
02. Christopher Marlowe - The Tragedy of Dr Faustus.
03. Henry James - Washington Square.
04. William Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream.
05. Edgar Allan Poe - American Horror.
06. William Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing.
07. Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales.
08. Bram Stoker - Dracula.
09. James Fenimore Cooper - The Last of the Mohicans.
10. Bruna Deriu - The Big Mistake and Other Stories.
Level 6.
01. Mary Shelley - Frankenstein.
02. Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice.
03. Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe.
04. Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities.
05. Jacques Futrelle - The Problems of Cell 13.
06. Edgar Allan Poe - The Murders in the Run Morgue and The Purloined Letter.
07. Thomas Hardy - Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
08. Jane Austen - Emma.
09. Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter.