

杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1 全9套共36本PDF+MP3

杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1 全9套共36本PDF+MP3

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    资源名称:Phonics课外辅助Decodable解码读物杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1全9套共36本PDF+MP3


    杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1一共9个stage,每个stage有4本书+一本练习册+一本老师和家长指导手册。配套音频是肯定少不了的啊,呵呵。

    杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1,可以配合学习phonics自然拼读的教材来做课外的拓展阅读,不过,因为杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill这套本身的起点就高些,最好是学完初级的phonics,或初级的已经学了一半以上(也就是字母的基本发音规律及常见组合音都学会了)的时候再加上杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill这套拓展读物,因为配有练习册和指导手册,杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill这套无论是家里还是培训班都可以使用。

    对应听力先行而又平常有指读,且在学word family小册子的小盆友,可以直接来学杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列了,呵呵。

    杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列Level 1一共有9个stage,确实还是有难度梯度,看看后面的截图就知道,到set 9的时候,都不是一页一句话了,是一段话了,呵呵。所以,在学杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill这套的时候,不要太着急,根据孩子的进度来一个一个set往上学。

    杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill系列共9个stage的目录如下:
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 01 Baby Bears.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 01 Baby Bears.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 02 Funny Fellows.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 02 Funny Fellows.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 03 I Can Count.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 03 I Can Count.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 04 The Dancing Duckling.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 04 The Dancing Duckling.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第1套 Work book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第2套 01 Gummy Bear.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 01 Gummy Bear.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 02 How Many?.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 02 How Many?.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 03 My Jolly Friend.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 03 My Jolly Friend.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 04 Be Kind!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 04 Be Kind!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第2套 Work book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第3套 01 Lying on a log.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 01 Lying on a log.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 02 My Messy Master.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 02 My Messy Master.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 03 No More!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 03 No More!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 04 The Pig in the Pen Says.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 04 The Pig in the Pen Says.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第3套 Work book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第4套 01 In the Red Barn.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 01 In the Red Barn.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 02 See the Seashell.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 02 See the Seashell.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 03 Tony's Toys.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 03 Tony's Toys.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 04 On Valentine's Day.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 04 On Valentine's Day.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第4套 Work book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第5套 01 In the Woods.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 01 In the Woods.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 02 Yes, You May.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 02 Yes, You May.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 03 Be Quiet!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 03 Be Quiet!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 04 Catch Me!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 04 Catch Me!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第5套 Work Book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第6套 01 Playing with My Playmate.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 01 Playing with My Playmate.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 02 In a Faraway Land.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 02 In a Faraway Land.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 03 Betty Becker's Collection.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 03 Betty Becker's Collection.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 04 With My Feet.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 04 With My Feet.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第6套 Work Book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第7套 01 This Little Indian Boy.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 01 This Little Indian Boy.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 02 Higher and Higher!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 02 Higher and Higher!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 03 On the Top of the Rock.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 03 On the Top of the Rock.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 04 What's Going On?.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 04 What's Going On?.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第7套 Wok book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第8套 01 Bunny Buzz and the Ladybugs.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 01 Bunny Buzz and the Ladybugs.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 02 My Beautiful Julie.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 02 My Beautiful Julie.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 03 In the Moonlight.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 03 In the Moonlight.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 04 Have You Seen?.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 04 Have You Seen?.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第8套 Work book.pdf

    Jack and Jill's 第9套 01 What Happened?.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 01 What Happened?.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 02 Look at That!.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 02 Look at That!.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 03 Where Are You Going?.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 03 Where Are You Going?.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 04 A Place for the Cat.mp3
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 04 A Place for the Cat.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 Teachers.pdf
    Jack and Jill's 第9套 Workbook.pdf
